All business relating to the Society shall first be considered by the Board of Directors which shall have the management of affairs of the Society, and in general, shall have the powers of the Directors of a Corporation.
The Board of Directors shall consist of fifteen members comprising:
a) the Officers: Immediate Past President, President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, and Archivist
b) the Chair of the Standing Committees: Editorial Committee, Membership Committee, Program and Social Committee, Publicity Committee, and Scadding Cabin Committee
c) Representative to the Board of the Sharon Temple Museum Society
d) Representative to the CNEA Canadian National Exhibition Association
e) Members-at-Large
Members of the Board of Directors shall be elected annually by the Society at the Annual meeting. Eight members shall constitute a quorum.
To see the current Board of Directors and Committee Chairs, please see the About Us page.